Changeover system
The self healing Fibre Network.
Self Healing Fibre Network
Auto-Changeover Control Tower CNS
At London Heathrow (LHR), FTI's self healing Fibre Network connects the
Navigational Aids and
Surveillance systems to the Control
Tower and has been shown to be essential (on more than one occassion).
There are two Fibre Network Rings, one around the North Runway and the other for
the South. A break in the Fibre Network Ring will self heal in less
then 0.5 sec, comfortably meeting the 2.0 sec ICAO Standard requirement for a CAT IIIB Instrumentation Landing
System. The self healing Fibre Network assists in maintaining the high utilisation
of both LHR Runways, where Aircraft separation can be as close as 2.5 nautical

The self healing Fibre Ring (FTI's Auto-Changeover Equipment) has been in operation at LHR from 2006.

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